Thursday, December 4, 2008


When I hear people talking about college I often got scared when I was in high school because everyone said how hard it was or how bad they did in it. Thats when you start wondering how are you going to do in college and is it worth it. I was scared because I know that I wasnt the brightest in high schoola dn that I slacked and found every excuse to no do homework or anything else that had to do with work at school. Then you always have the people that think they really know you because they seen you a couple hours a day in high school and think that your going to waste your parents money, and scholorships that you recieved from GOD know where. That was me everyone expecting me to fail out, and not making it past the first week their, and it could been some of my teachers, closes friends, or even some people in my family. To those people they help me in my adjustment to college because they are my motivation to do good because I know when I do make it that I can say that I did it, and that I made a believer out of them. Back then if people said something about me not making it I wouldnt be phase me because I didnt have goals and achivements that i wanted to accomplish that I do now, Im like stronger and better kind of like a 2.o Craig. So if I can say something to my haters it would be.....HI HATERS!!!

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