Monday, December 8, 2008

Thank You!!!

I would like to thank my brother for everything that he has done for me. A lot more meets the eye when other people see him because they don't see the same thing I see in him. He is always there for me and never let me down when it came down to advice with anything. I know as a man to man thing I love you doesn't really comes out that much but from me too you I have mad love for you. If I didn't have you in my life I really wouldn't know what would of happen and I don't even want to imagine that because of all the good times from me saying stuff that didn't make sense at random times, or the time where we would just ride around and listen to life as you would call it. Those times as well as all the other times are thoughts and memories that I will never forget and I would have to thank you for everything that you did for our mom and I will never forget that either, I know that I cant repay you for all the McDonalds that you bought me but hopefully one day you realize that you meant alot to me when you look back on the crazy memories we had....... And shake your head and be like man I love that kid.

Dear You,

Dear You,

I want to start off this letter by saying always strive to be your best. Don't worry about the ups and downs your going through right now because at the end of all tunnels there is a light, and when you get to that light you will have the best feeling in the world and will be a better person than before you went in the tunnel. Life is what you want to make out of it, don't believe in what people say you cant make it where you are at or you have to be making this much or you have to be doing this right because the most successful people did it the way they wanted to and didn't listen to other people opinions. You go by what you know and dont listen to any one that is being negative because they will always be someone that will shoot down any dream. You can be whatever you want to be and even know that is a saying please you it as motavation in life. I write this to you because I love you and I know you can do it, Ive been watching you since you was young and grew up with you, so I know you can do it. I want to leave you with this, this is a quote from Micheal Jordan and it says " I can accept failure, but I cant except not trying". Please use this throughout life and once again keep your head up through tought times.....

Much Love,


I just got done with my first college final, and I would have to say that it was the most heart- pounding thing I probably ever been through, when it comes to school work. You worry so much that sometimes you forgot that you've study for a long time, and know the material. I was so scared because it is crunch time. You never want to fall under the pressure when it comes to finals, I still have 2 more finals, one is watching a movie and the other one is writing a paper in my intro to writing class, I am confident about both because I feel that I have a good grasp on both of them, one is just waking up at 8 in the morning which isnt that bad, because I am a morning person, then my writing final is just what I have learned through out the coarse. I am really confident in myself to do good in the writing final. I will be writing part to after this is done.

One Wish!!

If I had one wish then it would probably be to have everyone in a house and food to feed them selves. I always felt bad when I would see those homeless people on TV stations and commercials. I know that some people say that if they have all that time to beg for money then they should get a job but most people dont understand that some of them people have hardcore addictins wether thats drugs or alcohol. It would be so hard for them to do that because their money wouldnt be going towards getting food or a house, they would be spending it on drugs or whatever their addiction would be, I think that they should get people oiff the streets by first helping them out and then teaching them ways to get jobs. I think that kids should be in a house and with food, no one is asked to be in this world so it is unfair to kids that has to be homeless or shipped away from their parents because of the situation that their parents are in. So my wish wouldnt be for money or the newest cars, it would just be that every family would have their own house and food. The only thing that is wrong with the wish is that it is only a wish.....

Sunday, December 7, 2008

MOM and DAD!!!!

I would have to say that I am thankful for having both a mom and dad. A couple of my friends was talking about only having a mom and only having a dad, and I was feeling real greatful for having both of my parents. It wasnt always like that for me though, I was once without a dad and it wasnt because he didnt want to be there for me it was because my mom moved when I was young. Before meeting him in 2001, I always felt left out when it was parent day at my school and everyone had both of their parents, and I only brought my mom. It didnt effect me till I was older, whenever I would play basketball, I would just look in the crowd and just see my mom sitting by herself or be at awards and she would be sitting with my sister. I just wanted the feeling of calling someone dad or maybe having a pop and son day where we could watch sports and chat about it. I couldnt complain though because my mom was my dad too. Fathers day was her day, i aways took her out to eat and gave her flowers. She always tried to talk about basketball with me, it was funny because somethings she said was just kind of off, one thing that she did know was how to deal with things that a dad was suppose to do like talking about sex and how that goes down and what to do. When I met my dad in 2001, it was everything I could of ask for because he was everything I thought a dad would be. He was alwasy there for me when I needed things or someone to talk too. We talk about my games what I did wrong and what I did good, So I consider my self very very lucky.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Northwest Football!!

Being the first time I went to school and never played any sports, it was something I wasnt use to watching in the stance. I would have to say that watching the football team isnt that bad at all matter of fact they are one of the best in the nation, they have been to 3 national championships games even know they have lost in all three thats a pretty big accomplishment to say that you have had the team to go all the way. They are always playing hard and always giving their crowd something to cheer for. I think that the players we have this year just from looking at them playing can win the championship this year. Hopefully they do because I would like to go to Alabama to cheer them on.

Baby Freshman!!!

Everytime I go somewhere and someone knows Im a frshman they call me a baby. I am 19 years of age, Im done with all my baby stages, yes we still do dumb things and havent mature all the way yet but a baby cant make it own decisions, when I cam here I was by myse;lf and still am, I feel that every decision I make is because I made it and no one else has influenced me to do anything. Yes we may have some more growing up to do but what do you call the people that are suppose to be adults and making dumb mistakes. I would much rather call us "Young Adults" than "Baby Freshman" because it sounds more adult like and reasonable because that what we are young adults.