Monday, December 8, 2008


I just got done with my first college final, and I would have to say that it was the most heart- pounding thing I probably ever been through, when it comes to school work. You worry so much that sometimes you forgot that you've study for a long time, and know the material. I was so scared because it is crunch time. You never want to fall under the pressure when it comes to finals, I still have 2 more finals, one is watching a movie and the other one is writing a paper in my intro to writing class, I am confident about both because I feel that I have a good grasp on both of them, one is just waking up at 8 in the morning which isnt that bad, because I am a morning person, then my writing final is just what I have learned through out the coarse. I am really confident in myself to do good in the writing final. I will be writing part to after this is done.

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